A blog that pairs wine with cheese chocolate music.

Hello, my name is Abby.

My photo
Two passions in my life are wine and music, both of which are wonderfully impossible to ever fully understand or categorize. Wine is a new hobby, while music has been a companion of mine since I can remember. Life can be tough, work can be hard, and school can be demanding, but I have found that with a glass of wine and the right song- relaxation is only a splash and a click away.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Weird Bottle = Weird Wine

    "Where's your will to be weird?"
-Jim Morrison

     I have a thing for saving wine bottles. Not all of them of course, but ones that I can reuse for decorations or crafts. If I had a Pinterest, I think mine would consist mainly of wine, crafts, wedding decor, and knitting. Wait. Isn't that what almost every woman's Pinterest is comprised of?

    Needless to say, I sometimes take the aesthetic appeal of the wine bottle into consideration when I make a purchase. Bad idea. I recently went shopping and ended up purchasing wine, wool socks, and a rose plant; random, but I digress. The wine bottle (Italian Bottarro Red Table Wine) is what caught my attention- a perfect, vintage-looking, candle holder for my kitchen table. I was, well, inspired. The wine however, now that is a different story...

    Tasting notes: Not a favorite. In fact, I would give it a 2 or 3 out of 10. This wine was very young (despite the dust all over the bottle), very acidic, and had a terrible finish. I was not even able to finish my glass. I am assuming the nose was supposed to smell like red fruit, but I just got a whiff of rubbing alcohol. Maybe if it were bottled for another 2-5 years it would not taste so much like pure alcohol. I would probably not buy again...unless I need another candle holder.

     But there's good news! Even though the wine wasn't amazing, it appears that I may have made a good investment, considering I paid $8 and the empty bottle is being sold on Ebay for $11 + shipping. Oh, the things we do for unique wine bottles. I also have paired this wine with a great song, which is always good news.

Hue: Red
Tune:  Ungodly Fruit- Wax Tailor (because a wine this bad needs a good song).

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