I am (and probably always will be) a white wine drinker; however, lately I have tried to "acquire" a taste for red wine. I love the sweetness of Riesling and Moscato and red wines, at least the ones I have tried, tend to be dry and bitter. Currently, I am on the lookout for smoother flavors and have stumbled upon Menage a Trois red wine. Very smooth, great finish- I will blog about it later.
Why am I trying to alter my preferences for wine? Well, according to many researchers, red wine is healthier.
I read an article from The Mayo Clinic, which did a great job of explaining exactly why red wine is healthy. So not only is red wine tasty (to some, I am not there yet), it helps prevent heart disease among other things. There are numerous other websites, studies, and publications about the health benefits of red wine. Drinking antioxidant-rich wines is all the hype right now and something that all wine lovers should look into (if you haven't already).
Of course, drinking too much wine has health issues as well. So how much should men and women drink daily? A Harvard article suggests 5 ounces a day. Therefore, each night before I go to bed, I measure out 5 ounces... and sometimes 6, depending on the day.
I routinely pour my wine after a workout at the gym. Coupled with a tall glass of water, I enjoy sipping wine while I get ready for bed or have a late night snack (cheese anyone?). Wine after a workout? I thought this too. An interesting article by Men's Health found that wine after a workout is good for you, as it has been shown to slow muscle deterioration. "Resveratrol preserves muscle fiber that would normally be reduced by inactivity", according to the study. To put two and two together, TIME magazine published a study on the health benefits of wine and exercising. So there you have it. Wine after a workout is okay, better yet, it's good for you. Isn't the world of wine amazing?
Malbecs are my favorite red wine. I prefer reds in the winter and whites chilled in the summer. :) But I never knew wine is good after a workout!